Category Archives: SOG

102 for designing participatory sessions: find solutions from future scenarios

This post is the second in a series of resources on participatory session design. You can read the first instalment here. In order to build a world where our rights are respected and protected in both online and offline spaces, we need to use every tool and tactic at our disposal to foresee the challenges that lie ahead and disrupt dangerous digital trends. Change requires clear-eyed, active optimism and radical imagination: we need light to see the path in front of us. The 11th edition of RightsCon (June 6-10, 2022), hosted online and across every time zone, will chart the course for the next decade and the Call for Proposals, now open until January 13, 2022, is an opportunity to put all possible futures on the agenda. The use of future scenarios isn’t new to RightsCon. Our program has supported sessions on strategic futurism and creativity, speculative design in public service delivery, climate resilience for companies and communities, art that frames the present as the pa

101 for hosting an online session: design with participation in mind

This is the third and final installment in our 2021 Call for Proposals blog series. You can find the earlier installments here and here, and read our Guide to a Successful Proposal for more information.

The deadline to participate in the RightsCon 2021 Call for Proposals has been extended until January 26, 2021, which means the clock’s ticking to devise and design a proposal that will stand out.

Participation is the foundation of an effective session. At RightsCon, we believe that understanding and leveraging the expertise in the room leads to deeper discussion, richer learning experiences, and outcomes that serve both you and our community. If you feel stuck on structure or uncertain about the best way to engage participants, this blog will share the basics of designing a session that gets everyone involved and invested in your goal. Our goal, as conveners, is to offer support, training, and tools for our session organizers to succeed. Hosting a session at RightsCon does take some work, but it should also be a fun and positive experience. This blog is only a resource, not a requirement. If you want to try a different approach, or if you have other ideas for us about creating participatory and inclusive sessions, you can always reach our team at [email protected].

Part I: Back to basics

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