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Community Resources for and during COVID-19

In recognition that we are collectively living through stressful and uncertain times due to COVID-19, we’ve compiled a list of resources from our community to help you navigate these strange waters. Here is the original Twitter thread.

Update October 27, 2020: Please note that we are no longer updating this article.

Recursos en español


Resources for digital security and resilience

Many of you are now working from home and the Tor Project has some great tips on ensuring your digital security while working remotely in times of COVID-19.

Similarly, Equality Labs has a great article covering digital resilience and how to transition to working from home.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) published a guide to be aware of the risks associated with various popular online tools so you can make an informed choice for what is good for you and your org.

You can also contact Access Now’s 24/7 Digital Security Helpline who can help you improve your digital security practices, or provide emergency assistance if you’re already under attack. This service is available in nine languages.

Front Line Defenders put together a guide with strategies for your physical, emotional, and digital protection while using your home as an office in times of COVID-19 and will soon be available in more languages.

The Association for Progressive Communications published a guide for social organizations who want to work online, focusing on people, processes, tools and good practices.

Here are some simple everyday steps to help you take control of your privacy, security and well-being online, and tips on how to steer clear of misinformation online over at Tactical Tech’s Data Detox Kit.


Resources for journalists

First Draft News has created a resource hub for those reporting on COVID-19 that is updated regularly.

Oxford University has launched the first ever tool to track and compare policy responses of governments tackling the COVID-19 outbreak.

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law and European Center for Not-for-Profit Law released the COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker to monitor government responses to the pandemic that affect civic freedoms and human rights.

Future of Privacy has launched Privacy & Pandemics, a collection of publications & resources to help governments, educators, researchers, and other organizations navigate essential privacy questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project Pandemic Big Brother is collecting information on restrictions of digital rights around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU Disinfo Lab’s COVID-19 Resource Hub covers fact checking, investigative research, tools and a section dedicated to the impact of the infodemic.

The International Center for Journalists created a dedicated space on their website for journalists covering COVID-19.

Liberties EU created a guide and one-pager on How to Talk About Human Rights During COVID-19.


COVID-19 preparedness 

If you’re a caregiver or want to prepare an action plan to care for your household and loved ones in the event that someone becomes sick, this is a thorough caregiver action plan for COVID-19.

There is also Covid @ Home – A collaborative guide to COVID-19 care. It is available in a few languages, with more translations in progress. They are also in need of volunteers!


Self care and well being

For your mental health, Crisis Text Line offers free 24/7 support for anxiety, loneliness, depression, or if you’re just feeling down.

The Capacitar Emergency Kit has simple basic practices for immediate use to help people deal with challenging situations, such as pandemics, natural disasters, violence or chronic stress. It is available in 24 languages.

Feminist AI is running a weekly series called Ways of Knowing in the Unknown which is about sharing experiences in different parts of the world during COVID-19.

Chayn is offering a daily support group 10 week program delivered over Telegram to build trauma resilience. The course started on March 24, 2020 but you can join the Telegram group and go through the course at your own pace.


Other resources

Github has a curation of resources, courses, services gone free or on discount due to COVID19; from tech to creative tools, cooking, and sports.

The report “Privacy and Pandemic: recommendations for the legitimate use of data to combat COVID-19” from Data Privacy Brazil aims to help public and private sector agents from all over the country to make decisions that reduce the risks to privacy in the fight against pandemic.

“COVID-19 – an unfolding story that hasn’t been written yet. How can we shape the narrative? offers some great advice for how we can use this opportunity to shape the narrative around the pandemic.

Recursos en español

En reconocimiento de que estamos viviendo tiempos estresantes debido al COVID19, hemos compilado una lista de recursos en español de nuestra comunidad. ¿Nos hemos perdido algo? ¡Envíenos sus recursos para agregarlos! [email protected]

Derechos Digitalesy la Asociación para el Progreso de la Comunicacioneshicieron un repositorio de recursos dedicados al reconocimiento facial en América Latina

Fundación Karisma en alianza con La Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Linterna Verde y Dejustcia ha lanzado un índice para estudiar públicamente cómo las regulaciones adoptadas durante la pandemia del COVID-19 impactan los Derechos Humanos en el espacio digital en Colombia.

Nuevos problemas están debilitando los derechos individuales y colectivos, creando nuevas formas de vigilancia y resignificando nuestra experiencia en línea. Hiperderecho desarrolló un micrositio para organizar los recursos producisdos durante COVID-19.

Derechos Digitales comparte este proyecto desarrollado sobre cómo denunciar la violencia doméstica durante la pandemia COVID-19, basada en una publicación de MariaLab.

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