This year, we’ll convene the 12th edition of RightsCon and our first-ever hybrid event. When we began to envision this new inflection point for our summit model, starting with RightsCon …

This year, we’ll convene the 12th edition of RightsCon and our first-ever hybrid event. When we began to envision this new inflection point for our summit model, starting with RightsCon …
(Read this blog in English) ► Presentación de un modelo holístico de apoyo a la comunidad ► Lanzamiento de nuestro proceso de asistencia para la obtención de visas ► Solicite …
(Lea este blog en español) ► Introducing a holistic model of community support ► Launching our visa support process ► Request a free or discounted ticket ► Review our timeline …
This blog post was updated on November 15, 2022 after we launched our Call for Proposals to reflect progress in our vision for next year’s hybrid event. Today marks the …
The RightsCon team is excited to share our Outcomes Report for the 10th anniversary edition of RightsCon, which took place across all time zones from Monday, June 7 to Friday, …
Here’s a quick round up of news, updates and more, since our 10th anniversary summit. As a reminder, registered participants can still login and revisit hundreds of recorded sessions on …
For English click here هل أنت مصمّم(ة) أو رسام(ة) كرتوني(ة) أو فنان(ة) رقمي(ة) أو هاوي(ة) من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا و لديك شغف أو اهتمام بموضوع حقوق الإنسان في …
العربية Are you a designer, cartoonist, digital artist, illustrator, or doodle enthusiast from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region who is passionate about human rights in the digital …
تُصادف هذه السنة الذكرى العاشرة للربيع العربي الذي اعتمد فيه النشطاء والمواطنون من تونس ومصر والبحرين وليبيا ومن شتى أرجاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وأدوات التواصل الرقمي للانتظام والانتفاض، والمناداة بالحرية والعدالة السياسة والاجتماعية.
This event reflects on Arab Spring in which people organized online and off for freedom as well as political and social justice.